Thursday 6 August 2015


Currently, we are performing HIV/AIDS testing in the community.  This year our target is 10 000 people and we need to ensure that 90 % of these people are tested, 90 % of the people who tested positive must be on treatment and the other 90 % of people who tested positive need to adhere to the treatment to ensure their viral load is suppressed.  The programme is called 90.90.90
We are going door to door, house to house and family to family.  So far there is success, our numbers are increasing exceedingly each day and we are hoping to reach our target quite soon. 
Community Care Project has taken the initiative to motivate people to test and know their HIV status.  We aim to communicate, to all those who are uneducated about HIV/AIDS, knowledge and understanding of the virus and all relevant information that is necessary and important for them to know. 

Community Care Project member testing a child from one of the communities we are working in.